Monday, 4 October 2010

Starting Up!

Well I've been through my first week of Nottingham Trent since my interview and so far it is full of talks and all of the introductory stuff but when we got to the second day... that's more of what I was looking for! Whiteboard animation and pinhole photography: more interactive activities to enjoy.  I especially enjoyed the pinhole photography as I was fascinated by the process of it. 

I had my first real lecture today and I was expecting an introduction to it but just took notes of everything that I needed to that would help me for what is to come.  From what I have read and listened about today, I feel I will love this course and it is everything I am looking for and glad that I did not get put into Graphics Design instead =).


  1. cool. Can you post your responses to the two tasks set in context 1 module? Do it or we'll transfer you out of here to GD
